Steam adds External Funds Used

You can now see how much you have spent on Steam

Steam is available since more than 10 years and it's an important store for PC gamers across the world. Steam has been famous for their sales event since a lot of users can spent a large amount of money for AAA games and even less famous game titles.

During the past years we have seen several services that were able to estimate the value of your Steam account however the calculation was always pretty inaccurate. Today Valve has released an official tool that calculates your Steam account spending. Before checking how much money you have spent on Steam, you have to know that this tool considers only the money that has been added to Steam from external sources.

In other words, the value of 3rd party game key redemptions is not considered here and this might reduce significantly the value of your library. Before start, you will be happy to know that we have heard some rumors about the next Summer Sale which could start tomorrow.

Source: Steam

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Steam adds External Funds Used - Steam - News - ocaholic