Seasonic Prime Titanium 850W Review

Publié par Marc Büchel le 12.01.17
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Analyse des résultats et discussion


Charge Pin(W) Pout(W) Rendement
10 % 94.25 86.88 92.18 %
20 % 183.99 173.77 94.44 %
50 % 461.50 436.92 94.67 %
100 % 944.10 877.54 92.95 %

The 80Plus Titanium certification requirements (90% - 92% - 94% - 90%) are surpassed especially at 20% Load. The full Load efficiency is a bit higher at 230V AC. This is the case with most of todays PSU's an it mainly originates from the reason of lower losses in the AC filtering stage and the PFC at 230V AC. The 230V AC 100% Load efficiency is 90.68%.

Stabilité des tensions de sortie

Load Rail Loading(A) Output(V)
10 % 3.3V 1.07 3.37
5V 1.07 5.03
12V 6.23 12.23
20 % 3.3V 2.14 3.37
5V 2.13 5.02
12V 12.44 12.26
50 % 3.3V 5.34 3.36
5V 5.30 5.02
12V 31.14 12.34
100 % 3.3V 10.59 3.34
5V 10.59 5.00
12V 62.1 12.44

The Voltage Regulation of this PSU is very good. It makes use of a DC-DC topology. This means, that the Seasonic Prime Titantium 850W is mainly a 12V PSU and then generates its 5 and 3.3V from 12V. This is a modern approach, and since the Load is mainly on 12V it makes a lot of sense. For almost any PSU which makes use of this topology crossload tests do not present a problem.

Nuisances sonores
10 % Inaudible
20 % Inaudible
50 % Inaudible
100 % silencieux

If we listen closer with the power supply, there is no noise until 50%. The Seasonic Prime Titantium 850W is a semi passive power supply and the fan kicks in, when 50 percent load is being surpassed. Even at 100% load the unit can still be described as silent.

Page 1 - Introduction
Page 2 - Aperçu
Page 3 - Bundle / Specs
Page 4 - À l'intérieur
Page 5 - Analyse des résultats et discussion
Page 6 - Conclusion

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