NVIDIA shows GameWorks Flow tech

Using DirectX 12

Back in 2016, during a GDC event, NVIDIA presented their so called Flow technology, which allowed developers to implement real-time simulations of combustible fluids, fire and smoke. Meanwhile NVIDIA has refined the tool showing off what can be done using the latest GameWorks - of which Flow is a part - in combination with DirectX 12.

According to NVIDIA, Flow is modeled on an adaptive sparse voxel grid allowing allowing maximum flexibility with the least memory impact. Apart from that it is optimized for use of Volume Tiled Resource, whenever available.

If you’re a developer you might want to check https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworks-source-github” target=”_blank”>NVIDIA’s Github repository for downloading version 1.0 of NVIDIA Flow. The demo application will allow you to play with the different parameters giving you a basic understanding of what can be done with the simulation.

Following you find a quick YouTube video showing off the capabilities of NVIDIA Flow. In our opinion the combustion of gas looks impressively realistic and we can’t wait to see this implemented in new games. So far it’s going to be part of the Unreal Engine 4, which is slated to become available to developers during this quarter.

Source: Nvidia

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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